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Horizontal monitoring

When a tax returns is filed, the Tax Administration doesn’t usually check it until later. This creates administrative burdens and a long period of uncertainty. We remove the burden and uncertainty from our clients by working with the Dutch Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). How? We’ve signed an agreement with the Tax Administration so that our clients can take advantage of horizontal monitoring (horizontaal toezicht). And that has benefits all round.

Horizontal monitoring

What is horizontal monitoring?

Think of it as a hallmark for tax advisers. It’s a form of collaboration between the Dutch Tax Administration and tax consultants and entails the Tax Administration and the professional body we belong to (Register Belastingadviseurs) monitoring our business processes. The result? The Tax Administration can process tax returns faster because they can trust the tax returns drawn up by us. And that has benefits for our clients, because it reduces the number of administrative burdens and uncertainty. That’s why we do it!

Can you benefit?

As an entrepreneur, can you benefit from horizontal monitoring? Get in touch! If you’d like to take part, all you need to do as a business owner, is sign a registration form.


The advantages of horizontal monitoring are:

  • Clarity regarding your position soon after filing the tax return
  • Fewer retroactive audits by the Tax Administration
  • The Tax Administration deals swiftly with your questions and comments


The Tax Administration’s conditions are:

  • The tax adviser needs to have signed an agreement (we have!)
  • You need to sign a registration form stating your intention to collaborate with us transparently.
  • Your financial details need to have been checked by us.

Who are we?

NAHV Belastingadviseurs is the finance and accountancy firm where you can ask the questions you never dared to ask. We specialise in tax and administrative solutions, and financial advice for (creative) entrepreneurs. We have over 3,500 regular clients ranging from artists, to journalists, architects and many other professionals and companies in the creative and cultural sector, as well as lawyers, independent contractors in the construction sector, physiotherapists and countless other professions. Whether you’re a freelancer or self-employed professional, director and major shareholder of a private limited company or a general partnership, we help everyone.

Our office has served Amsterdam and the surrounding area for 25 years. We have in-house experts, work as a team, take a proactive approach, and can keep the costs manageable.

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